This section presents the cumulative results of our active portfolio in 2021, as well as animated illustrations of 2025 projections. Our active portfolio includes projects in different phases: inception, full implementation and in completion, which our co-financing has contributed to. Here, we also showcase results from projects we have co-financed and highlight individual project-level results. This is all to give a hands-on feeling of our approach in finding efficient solutions to tackle challenges within the nexus of climate and development, in countries most affected by climate change.

Photo credit: Jaza Energy
Our results in brief
The graphic below presents a summary of our cumulative results in 2021, following our Theory of Change structure. Our active portfolio consists of projects in different stages: inception, full implementation or in completion. All these projects inform this report, both as cumulative results and 2025 projections. The projections are composed of aggregate projected targets and project-level estimations, which have been captured to the extent possible. Projections are reviewed annually.
This data has been collected by applying the Results Management Framework to facilitate results-based management, learning and performance improvement, and to provide a base for results and evidence-based monitoring and reporting on NDF’s operational and organisational performance.
Detailed results with project-level examples and animated illustrations of 2025 projections are organised under three outcome areas.